Expert wedding tips & show notes for the Ask the Planner Podcast


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Your wedding budget is your spending plan for the whole wedding. It’s an expression of your priorities. If you don’t talk about it and put together a solid budget early in the process, you’re either going to run out of money or spend more than you planned.  This episode will be helpful no matter where […]

The 5 Main Factors that Drive Your Wedding Budget

reception for labor day weekend wedding at The Lake House on Canandaigua

Episode Show Notes

Hello loverves! Danielle Eisenberg is joining us today to talk all about bachelorette parties and I could not be more excited. I know you love how we cover a variety of wedding topics here on the podcast and sometimes it’s nice to talk about something that’s more FUN and a little less serious but still […]

Your Secret Weapon to Planning Destination Bachelorette Parties

Wedding Planning

Today’s episode is going to be short and sweet as I give you an insider’s guide to Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals for your wedding and wedding business. I love a good sale, so I scouted out my favorite retailers, made some calls and emails, and today I’m going to help you map out […]

Your Insider’s Guide to Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals for Your Wedding and Wedding Business

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Wedding Deals

Episode Show Notes

Happy Halloween! Today’s episode is a special Halloween edition. I’m sharing wedding disasters and how to avoid them. I am sharing HORROR stories – from a recent wedding. Not only are they going to make you cringe and be happy you weren’t there, but I’m also going to give you some tips to make sure […]

Wedding Disasters and How to Avoid Them (Vol.2)

Wedding Disasters

Episode Show Notes