Expert wedding tips & show notes for the Ask the Planner Podcast


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Believe it or not, not all couples who get married go on a honeymoon. Work, financial, and career commitments, among other things, cause couples to skip the honeymoon altogether. While you might think that’s not a big deal, skipping the honeymoon can actually have a significantly negative effect on your marriage and your relationship. On […]

Unique Honeymoon Destinations and Why Taking a Honeymoon Can Save Your Marriage with Sara Margulis, CEO of Honeyfund

Photo of Positano Italy

Episode Show Notes

Whether you’re planning a destination wedding or you’re a wedding vendor considering making the leap into the destination wedding market, you’re going to love today’s episode. We talked with a guest who is not only a leader in our industry but has been recognized by a myriad of outlets and publications for her exceptional events. […]

All About Destination Weddings: From Budgeting to Vendors and Unique Design with Beth Helmstetter

Episode Show Notes

If I know you, you’ve likely Googled the top wedding venues in your area. And if you’re being honest with yourself, you’re bored. You know the top 5 wedding venues in your area, and you may have even toured a few places that you feel neutral towards, but nothing has quite felt like “the one” […]

Different Types of Wedding Venues

Episode Show Notes

Today on Ask the Planner Podcast, we’re talking about something that comes much later in the planning process but needs to be budgeted for and confirmed much earlier on. Flower Preservation, specifically your wedding bouquet. If you’re anything like me, you LOVE flowers and you want your wedding day flowers to live on after your […]

Should You Consider Flower Preservation for Your Wedding Bouquet?

Should You Consider Flower Preservation for Your Wedding Bouquet?

Episode Show Notes