Expert wedding tips & show notes for the Ask the Planner Podcast


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Welcome back loverves! Today, we are featuring YOU, our loverves, and answering all of the wedding planning questions you’ve been writing in. This is kind of a unique episode because it doesn’t happen all of the time, but I am so excited to answer all of your questions. We talk about everything from logistics of […]

Dear Desiree: Answering Your Most Pressing (and Shocking!) Wedding Planning Questions

Wedding Planning

Do you want your wedding to feel luxurious? Then you need to incorporate all FIVE senses into your wedding design. Today, we are talking all about the sense that is almost never taken into account, even though it can make such a difference on your wedding day. We are talking about the sense of smell. […]

Designing Your Signature Wedding Scent: How to Incorporate Fragrance Into Your Wedding Scentscape

signature wedding scent

Episode Show Notes

Today we’re talking about the ins and outs of vendor contracts and costly mistakes to avoid before signing those wedding vendor contracts. This episode is going to help both couples and vendors protect themselves when entering into agreements for weddings and events. But don’t worry, I’m not going to scare you with legal jargon. Today […]

Costly Mistakes to Avoid in Your Wedding Vendor Contracts with Rebecca Carter

wedding vendor contracts

Episode Show Notes

Wedding dress shopping. This is an endeavor filled with as much excitement as it is with drama. When do you go? Who do you take with you? What dress style should you wear? In today’s episode, I talk with Stella Jones, owner of Stella’s Bridal, a boutique wedding gown shop with two locations in New […]

Wedding Dress Shopping: Stella’s Secrets Revealed

Wedding Dress Shopping

Episode Show Notes