Expert wedding tips & show notes for the Ask the Planner Podcast


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First, best wishes on your engagement! It’s such an exciting time in your life, and there’s no better way to start this new chapter than by celebrating with your loved ones and taking a moment just to soak up that newly engaged bliss before you jump in to start planning your wedding. Whether you are […]

Ready to Start Planning Your Wedding? Your First 3 Months Checklist

the first steps when you start planning your wedding

Wedding Planning

If I know you, you’ve likely Googled the top wedding venues in your area. And if you’re being honest with yourself, you’re bored. You know the top 5 wedding venues in your area, and you may have even toured a few places that you feel neutral towards, but nothing has quite felt like “the one” […]

Different Types of Wedding Venues

Episode Show Notes

Today on Ask the Planner Podcast, we’re talking to a Professional Bridesmaid. This goes beyond the movie 27 dresses with Katherine Heigle, so don’t go anywhere. In today’s episode we’re discussing a topic that may not be known to you – hiring a professional bridesmaid for your wedding. In today’s very special episode, we are […]

Should you hire a professional bridesmaid or a maid of honor for your wedding?

Episode Show Notes