Does Proven Skincare work? If you're getting married and want to make sure your skin is glowing on your wedding day, or if you're tired of spending hundreds of dollars on skincare and being dissatisfied with the results (or lack thereof), keep reading. I tested the beauty industry's AI data driven skincare for one year and this is what happened.
When I turned 37, my friend shared the meme below, which hit me hard. JTT was one of my favorites growing up. (If you don't know who I'm talking about, just ignore.) I had been a Neutrogena girl most of my teenage and adult life. But I began noticing fine lines around my mouth and eyes that didn't use to be there. Also, my skin felt rough to the touch. I had combination skin, so it was dry on my cheeks but oily in my T-zone and I wanted products that would work with my complicated skin. I knew it was time to re-assess my skincare routine.
So I wandered into Sephora and told the salesperson I needed a new moisturizer and gave her a brand my friend used. She found it for me and rang me up. It cost $80.00 (way more than $7.97 Neutrogena!). I was too embarrassed to tell her I changed my mind when I heard the price. So I sucked it up and paid. But that's when I realized there had to be a better way.
About Proven
I first heard of Proven Skincare on Instagram. I took their online quiz to see what it was all about. The brand initially impressed me simply with the questions the quiz asked. According to their website, Proven provides “personalized, clinically effective skincare formulated for you based on your skin, life, and environment.” The quiz asked me where I live (that determines how much sun you get, if you have hard water or soft water, etc.), how much time I spend in front of a screen (that blue light is bad for your skin too!), and if my face “felt tight after I got out of the shower.” Why yes, yes it does!
Does Proven Skincare Work?
I was excited when my first box arrived, which contained the face wash, daily moisturizer, and night cream.
I liked that the system was simple and only needed 3 items to work because I was lost trying to figure out what products to buy for my face (Do I need a retinol, what kind should I get? Which night cream and which day cream? Do I need a separate makeup remover and face wash?) (And yes, you do need a separate makeup remover.) There were too many questions and I didn't know where to start to get the answers.
The company recommends waiting one month for Proven to work. However, I kid you not, after 3 days, I already saw a difference in my skin. Initially, my skin became a little dry while it got used to the new routine. The company says this is normal, but after that, it went away.
After Using Proven
After I started using Proven, I knew what people meant when they said their skin looked “dewy.” Now my skin had a healthy glow. I used to stare at my face in wonder at the transformation. Even my HUSBAND saw a difference in my appearance, and he doesn't notice when I get a haircut. My skin was radiant. It was even-toned. And it just looked good. (Sometimes I admire my face at the gym when I'm not wearing makeup because I'm shocked it looks that good without makeup. But enough about my vanity…)
Below are some Before and After photos so you can see for yourself. Everyone, including me, loves a good transformation.
How long does it take to see results from Proven Skincare?
Below on the left is a photo of my skin on May 20 before I used Proven. On the right is after using Proven for 8 weeks. I circled on my cheek a blemish I didn't even know I had, but was less visible after 8 weeks.
Next up, here is a photo comparing my skin after 8 months of use on the left. On the right is how it looks today after 14 months of use. That blemish I circled is basically gone.
And finally, because I love a good transformation, below on the left is a photo of my face before I started using Proven. On the right is today, after 14 months of using Proven. The blemish in the circle is all but gone. The wrinkles around my eyes are visibly smoother. And there are fewer smile lines on the right side of my face (where the arrows are pointing). The skin also doesn't looks as taught or stretched to me.
How much does Proven Skincare cost?
As of today, the 3-step system, which includes the cleanser, daily moisturizer, and night cream costs $129.99 per order. It refills every 2 months, but I pushed mine to every 4 months. I wasn't using up all of the night cream or moisturizer, so I changed my order frequency. This is easy to do on their website. They send you an automatic email that reminds you that it's time for your next formulation. So I log on and delay it for a few weeks depending on how much cream I have. This will vary for everyone depending on how much you use. I typically wash my face in the morning and at night, and again when I sweat a lot after I work out. I'm excited to add the eye cream to my routine, too.
Does Proven Skincare work?
In summary, does Proven Skincare work? After using Proven for 14 months, my official position is YES, Proven Skincare actually works and I'm never going back. I was convinced after the first couple of weeks but decided to wait to make a final judgment until I used it for a long time. After using it for 6 months, I knew I was hooked and applied to the company to become an Ambassador because I love the products so much. I was shocked (and ELATED!) when my application was approved and here we are now. I'm excited to try out their new eye creams.
Of course, like with all skincare routines, everyone is different. What works for some people may not work for others. But I'm glad I now have a solution that is simple and works with my skin.
Whether you're in your 20s or 30s and about to get married or you're in your late 30s, 40s, 50s, or beyond and want healthier, radiant skin, I highly recommend giving Proven a try. If you want to see if Proven will work for you, make sure you use my Proven coupon code DESIREE at checkout to get 20% off your entire order.
Let me know if you have any questions! For more wedding beauty tips, check out this post: A Skin & Spirit Aproach to Wedding Day Beauty.
Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links. But you know I only share products with you I use myself. If you purchase through one of my links, I might receive a commission from your purchase at no cost to you. Thanks for supporting our blog!
Make sure you save this post so you can come back for your Proven coupon code! Use “DESIREE” at checkout for 20% off your entire order.