Wedding Planning

Top Money and Time-Saving Tools for Your Wedding or Wedding Business

June 17, 2024

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Whether you’re planning your own wedding or dreaming of starting a career in wedding planning, I’m sharing ALL of my favorite money and time-saving tools for your wedding or wedding business on the podcast today! 





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To fast-forward to a specific part of the podcast episode, check out the timestamps below:

  • Wedding Design Tools [3:03]
  • Productivity/Business tools [8:45]
  • Marketing tools [14:03]
  • Communication tools [19:15]
  • Podcast Tools [26:20]
  • FREE Tools  [28:28]


Welcome back loverves to another episode of Ask the Planner! Today is a very special episode for a couple of reasons. First off, can you believe it? This is our 150th episode! I am so incredibly grateful for each and every one of you who have tuned in, subscribed, followed, left us 5 star reviews, and supported the podcast over the years. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such an amazing part of this journey. If you’re new to the show, welcome! I’m so glad to have you!  To celebrate our 150th episode, I thought it would be the perfect time to pull back the curtain and share with you all the behind-the-scenes tools and tips that I use in my own wedding planning business.

Whether you're a bride, a groom, or an aspiring wedding planner, I promise you’re going to find this episode packed with practical advice and insider secrets to make your wedding planning process smoother and more enjoyable. So, grab your favorite beverage, I currently just opened an Absolute Grapefruit Paloma (not sponsored, I just like a canned bevy to help me unwind sometimes), get comfy, and let’s dive into the essential tools that keep my wedding planning business running like a well-oiled machine. Let’s get started!  

1. Canva 

Canva has become our go-to for all things design, and it's such a breath of fresh air compared to Adobe Suite’s InDesign. With its easy drag-and-drop interface, Canva lets us create stunning designs quickly and efficiently. I initially started using Canva for our design dossiers, which is when I share the wedding design concepts with our couples. I used to use InDesign but it took forever just to make simple changes, but Canva speeds up the process, allowing me to focus more on creativity and less on fiddling with tools.

We've been using Canva for years now, and it's incredibly versatile. There are tons of templates available, like our Canva mood board in our shop, for example! We use it for everything from social media graphics to marketing materials. The Pro version, which we use, comes with fantastic AI tools and a huge library of stock photos. While we mainly use our portfolio photos, it’s pretty incredible to get everything that we do with a very low monthly subscription. I love the background eraser tool and am using its AI image generator tool more and more. 


2. Merri

We had Randi Bushell, the founder of Merri, on the podcast just a few weeks ago on episode 142 telling us all about Merri and why you should use it to design your floor plans, but I want to reiterate the point again here! Merri has become our go-to tool for floor planning, and we couldn't be happier with the switch. We previously used a different tool that, while it was OK, was quite expensive. Merri offers all the functionality we need at a much more budget-friendly price. It also allows us to create detailed 2D and 3D renderings, which are invaluable in showcasing our design services. 

If you haven’t tried it yet, you can use code DESIREE for a a free 30-day trial and 25% off your first 3 months thereafter!

If you’re a wedding planner, you need Merri. One of our favorite features with Merri is its ability to help couples visualize their wedding day. By presenting a clear, interactive representation of the layout, we can guide them through the decision-making process, and trust me when I say it helps them make their decisions a lot faster.  Additionally, Merri helps us keep track of our rentals, making it easier to manage inventory and ensure that every element is accounted for. I love how it adds everything up for us.


3. Motion AI

Next, let’s talk about Motion AI. Motion AI has been a lifesaver when it comes to managing my jam-packed schedule and to-do list. Between the podcast, planning clients, and running-the-business tasks, my to-do list gets pretty overwhelming. Motion AI connects to my schedule and assigns tasks to me within my schedule based on priority and how much time a task will take. With Motion AI, I just enter everything I need to do, and it rearranges the tasks into my calendar so there's no wasted time. As you can imagine, my type A self HATES wasting time. Motion AI saves me so much time because I’m never left wondering what to do next.

Plus, one of the best features is that you can rank tasks by importance. So, if there's urgent client work, I can set it as a high priority and not worry about it getting lost in the shuffle. I can add due dates for things to ensure nothing slips through the cracks.  Plus, having a clear view of my calendar helps me see exactly how busy I am at a glance (which I love, because sometimes I feel busier than I am, and vice versa). This way, I can easily see when I have an insanely busy week coming up! 


4. Dubsado

If you haven’t listened to episode 141 where we break down five systems wedding pros should have, make sure to listen to that one next! As wedding planners, having a reliable Client Relationship Management (CRM) system is so important. We chose Dubsado for its comprehensive suite of features that streamline our operations and keep everything organized. Dubsado helps us manage inquiries, payments, and contracts, and it allows us to maintain smooth communication and efficient workflows with our clients.

As our regular loverves know, we are passionate about our systems and processes, and Dubsado supports us in delivering a seamless experience. From the moment a couple reaches out to us, Dubsado helps us manage their information and track every interaction. It automates many front-facing tasks, ensuring that no new inquiry or current customer slips through the cracks. It also supports us as we work through the planning process with our clients. We regularly send our clients surveys to ensure we remember to ask them all the right questions throughout their journey but also save both of us time on calls.

Plus, we use it to glean insights on what they’re looking for in vendors, to help with our design process, and to also finalize all the little details during the homestretch. We literally have a form called the Home Stretch Form.  If you want to get 20% off your first year of Dubsado, make sure you use DESIREE when you sign up!


5. ConvertKit (soon-to-be-called Kit)

When it comes to email marketing, ConvertKit has been a game-changer for us. And fun fact – they are in the process of renaming so you may see them called “Kit” sometime in the future. When I started my business, I used Mailchimp but I quickly outgrew it as our list grew. Not only does ConvertKit (soon to be called Kit) streamline our email sequences and manage our freebie deliveries, so for example if you downloaded our free budget checklist, Kit is how it was delivered to you, but it also handles the delivery of items from our shop to customers seamlessly.

Kit offers a level of automation that other software, like Flodesk, simply can't match. This automation allows us to personalize our communication, ensuring that every email feels like a one-on-one conversation. The ability to segment our audience and tailor our messages helps us build stronger relationships with our clients and customers, making ConvertKit an indispensable tool in our toolkit. It’s pretty easy to set up too – although I will admit, that someone on my team is our dedicated ConvertKit specialist. But I did handle it myself in the past!


6. Showit 

Showit is the website building platform that we use to create all of our websites. And I love it. Showit has totally changed the way we showcase our brand online, and it's hands-down my favorite discovery even after all these years. My first website was on WordPress, and even though I knew a bit of coding, it was a pain to make changes. Plus, it never looked as good as I wanted. With Showit, everything is so much easier. It's user-friendly and makes our website look amazing. The templates are a lifesaver too because you don’t have to start from scratch. Now, our site looks professional and stylish, reflecting our brand perfectly. I’ve received countless compliments from prospective clients on how beautiful our website is, which I think makes us stand out from other planners.  To me, it’s worth the slightly higher cost than a free site on Wix.

We have used templates from companies like Tonic (use code desiree15 for 15% off), Elizabeth McCravy, and Davey and Krista. You will definitely find something that works for your brand among one of those three designers.


7. Loom

Loom is seriously one of my favorite tools ever. It’s a screen recording software, which lets you record your whole screen or just a specific window, which is super handy. I use Loom all the time for creating Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and training my team. It’s awesome for giving feedback too, so we don’t have to turn every little thing into a meeting.

While I don’t use it as much with clients, it’s perfect for recording welcome videos to go along with my proposals or introducing them to software like Merri. For instance, when I need to show a couple how to use Merri for their seating chart, I just record a quick Loom video. This way, they don’t have to guess how to use it, and we don’t need to hop on a call. Plus, they can watch the video anytime they need a refresher. Loom has made communication and training way easier and way more efficient. As of this recording, we currently have 351 videos on Loom and that doesn’t include the ones we’ve deleted!


8. Manychat

Next, we have ManyChat which is an Instagram tool. Manychat took me quite a while to set up, but it was totally worth it. Once it's up and running, it's super easy to maintain. I use it for both my wedding planning Instagram and our podcast Instagram, and it’s been a game-changer for engagement. With Manychat, people can comment with a keyword or number, and it helps me send them exactly what they need without them having to “check the link in my bio” and hunt for it.

This makes interactions so much smoother and quicker. It’s a fantastic tool for not only keeping followers engaged and also helping me get information and freebies to people who want it right away. As a business owner, I’m wearing SO MANY hats, and as you can tell in this episode, I love automation. Knowing people can get exactly what they want when they want it has been so nice.


9. Fathom

Next up, we have Fathom. Fathom is a fantastic tool that has made our Zoom calls so much easier to manage. It connects directly to Zoom and acts as a notetaker, recording our calls and creating detailed summaries and action items afterward. What I love about Fathom is how it organizes everything. I can look at the notes and click on a specific point, and Fathom will take me right to that moment in the recording. This feature is incredibly useful.

For example, I had a client who was surprised by the cost of the flowers, and I thought, “How did this happen? I know we reviewed the budget.” With Fathom, I could go back to a previous recording and find the exact moment we discussed it. It’s an absolute lifesaver for keeping track of important details and ensuring nothing gets overlooked.

Want to give it a try? If you sign up now with our link, you can unlock 3 months of Fathom’s most advanced AI meeting summaries for free. 


10. Riverside

For my fellow podcasters listening, next, we have Riverside. Riverside has become our go-to for recording guest interviews for our podcast. We used to use another platform, but we switched to Riverside because it's so much easier for both audio and video recording. Plus, it splits up the tracks, which makes editing a lot better.

One of the best parts is how simple it is for guests to join. They don't have to jump through hoops to get set up, which makes the whole process smoother. Riverside also has a teleprompter feature, which is a lifesaver for checking my script and questions during the interview. And let’s not forget about the social media clips! Riverside helps us create those engaging clips you see on our social, and we love promoting our guests in that way. Overall, Riverside has made podcasting much more efficient, which I love.

If you’re curious about starting a podcast, head to and grab my free guide.



While a lot of this amazing software comes with a price tag, their value in streamlining our workflows and improving productivity makes it worth it. With that said, not everything great has to cost money. Next, I'm going to share some tools that I use and love—all for free OR I’m spilling the tea on ones we stopped paying for! 

Planoly (or any social media scheduler)

Planoly is a handy social media scheduler that we use on the free plan. To be honest, though, we don't even use it that much anyway. We usually post Reels in real-time, which means we don't get to preview our grid the same way. If you're looking for ways to cut costs, take a good look at your social media scheduler and ask yourself if you really need it. Sometimes, real-time posting works just as well! Plus, I’m personally a little paranoid a scheduler will be bad for our engagement.


Toggl has become a must-have tool for us when it comes to managing our time effectively. As business owners, keeping track of how we spend every minute is so important, and Toggl makes this so easy. Both my team and I rely on it to log our hours, and it's made a huge difference in how we operate. It’s not sexy to talk about – but as a business owner, you NEED to know how everyone is spending their time. 

One of the things I really appreciate about Toggl is how flexible it is. We can track time by project, by client, and even by specific tasks. This level of detail is incredibly useful because it gives us a clear picture of where our time is going.

For example, we can see how much time we spend on phone calls with clients, creating production schedules, or working on marketing efforts. I always know when I’m spending way too much time on a reel. Plus, having all this information at our fingertips means we can make better decisions about how to allocate our time and price ourselves on future projects. If we see that we’re spending too much time on one area and not enough on another, we can adjust accordingly. Or, if something is taking up too much time, I can make the decision to get help OR just not do it. Plus, it’s FREE!



Next up is Trello, which we use for our Ultimate Planning Checklist, and the best part is it's free. Trello connects seamlessly with Google Drive, making it super easy to store files and collaborate with others. It's our go-to for organizing tasks and ensuring everything runs smoothly. It’s also pretty, so we use it for our client-facing stuff.



Lastly, we have Asana, which we use every single day to keep track of all our tasks. With so many internal tasks to manage, Asana is incredibly robust and helps us stay organized. There is a paid version available, but we stick with the free one, which still lets us duplicate tasks, track everything, and delegate to other team members efficiently. It's an essential tool in our daily workflow, and it doesn't cost us a thing.


The Top Tools I Use In My Wedding Business

OKAY – that was a LOT but each and every one of these tools are things I use to make my life easier and create a better experience for our couples. For all the coupon codes and even more details, head to Full disclosure, some of these companies we receive a commission as an affiliate for them, but I honestly only signed up for the affiliate programs BECAUSE I use them. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be telling you about them now.





If you have any questions, DM me on Instagram at @asktheplannerpodcast, call the wedding planning hotline at 585-210-3467, or drop it in your review on Apple Podcasts.

Plus, don’t forget to check out the Wedding Planning template shop, including my new Wedding Day Master Organizer which includes the same spreadsheets we use in our day-of production books.

And for all my planners out there, check out my new wedding planner coaching service! Whether you’re in the first 1-2 years of your business and you don’t know how to increase your prices, build a team, attract your ideal clients, find your brand’s voice, or you’re a little further in your career and you want to take it to the next level with a digital product, start a podcast, or something else, I would love to help you build the dream wedding business you deserve!

Learn more and schedule a call with me to see if this is what your business needs at